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Sackboy: A Big Adventure │ Kingdom of Crablantis

I worked on Sackboy: A big Adventure through its entire production phase, from June 2018, up until it’s release in November 2020. During that time, I worked on tons of different levels and helped to define the look and feel of the game.
Generally, it was up to one or two artists to take a level from blockout to first pass art, using a library of assets and creating new ones when necessary. We also tried to inject theme or a light narrative into each level where we could, to give them their own identity. I’ve selected three levels to show that I had a lot of influence over, representing 3 different worlds from the game.
Kingdom of Crablantis
This level comes from one of my favourite worlds in the game and I had an absolute blast working on it. The tall pieces of coral work as a really nice framing element, especially with a fixed camera like we had in this game. One interesting example of an issue I encountered while working on this level was that the art direction for the platforms was to use a lot of hexagonal shapes, but frequently in the blockout the flow of gameplay would shift in firm right angles. This is something I raised and something we tried to work around, and something I think we navigated reasonably well in the level.

This slide section comes as a surprise to the player and they have to react fast to make the jump. I used different colours to highlight the edge of jumps to assist the player in seeing them.

This slide section comes as a surprise to the player and they have to react fast to make the jump. I used different colours to highlight the edge of jumps to assist the player in seeing them.